Sunday, February 17, 2008

Intense Flowers

Some flowers bloom in the most intense colors. I hope my pictures do these justice. We planted these Cinerareas when they were green not knowing what the flower color would be and they have been exciting to watch open. Nearly everyone who walks by them wants some of their own. The variety is Cinerarea Senetti Magenta.

Blooming close by and having to compete for attention is this ranunculus blooming in the prettiest shade of red. Both of these are planted near the entrance door to the nursery so they are greeting many customers every day especially since the weather has been so beautiful for the last week and everyone seems to have the gardening bug...if it is a sickness then it is a good kind of sickness to get, because it sure makes you feel good to get your hands in the dirt.


Mad Man Bamboo Nursery said...

The Cinerareas are beautiful. They must glow in the dark, they are such a brilliant color.


kate said...

I love the colour of the Cinerareas - especially on this cold and wintry day. It must be amazing to grow these outdoors. And then there's the Ranunculus ... it is also a gorgeous colour. I'm glad I found your blog!!