Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Renovating a Shed

IMG_3388 A great project to work on at this time of year is to renovate or organize your shed.  We started by organizing the garage, then when my son, the carpenter had a slow spell of work and he found some free windows we started on renovating the shed.  We have wanted to add windows since we moved in 2 years ago so this seemed like it was meant to be.  We plan to use this shed to store apples in a few years once our orchard gets more mature.  We want it to have good air circulation and not get too hot in the summer, so we insulated the walls. 

IMG_0447 After seeing a deal on cedar fence boards when we were buying window installing supplies and insulation, we went right back and stocked up on a bunch to line the walls with.   Now I could finally put up the tool organizers I bought sometime last year, so much better than leaning things on the wall and getting rakes all tangled up with other things.  Wow, so organized, I should prepare myself for it will never look this good again.

We are planning to paint our house in the next few months so we used the shed as our opportunity to see if we really liked the colors we had picked out for the house before investing in a lot of paint so we started with just a few gallons of the 3 colors we chose and gave them a try.

IMG_0455All this working on the shed is really making me wish it was Spring already, but it will be nice to rest when old man Winter comes around to remind us that it is still winter even though we get a few days here and there that feel like Spring.  Where I live Summer turns on like a flip of a switch and it is 100 degrees for days on end so it has been nice to have some mild winter days to get prepared.

organic-seeds-indigo-rose-tomato-new-01 In our little greenhouse we have started some tomato seedlings and they are looking great so far.  We found some rootstock tomatoes to try some grafting with again this year.  Last year we tried 3 and one took so this year we are going to imagebe a little more serious about it and see if we can get more to take.  I have started a few Orange-Fleshed  Purple Smudge and some other tender varieties that would benefit from being grafted to a hardy rootstock.  I also found seeds for Indigo Rose and am really looking forward to giving this one a try.  We are going to graft Indigo Rose and then grow some un-grafted and see if we can tell a difference.   Indigo Rose is suppose to be exceptionally high in anthocyanins which are powerful antioxidants.  It seems we are growing every color of tomato but red lately, we’ll have to find some great red ones this year too.

A little organization to get things growing right!



Kat said...

Ferne I'm jealous a greenhouse and a spacious shed? If only. Glad we found each other through Pinterest. I've added your blog to my reader.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Love the shed! That is so cool(-: