There is a lot of harvesting going on and some planning for the cool weather veggies. We have been pulling out somethings and just cutting back others. Michael has a lot of great peppers that are ready in his garden and we both have plenty of tomatoes still. We pulled out the food dehydrator yesterday and dried some basil and are now trying to dry some tomatoes. The tomatoes will take a bit longer than the basil. The peppers have been roasted and peeled and put in the freezer.
This Cinnamon Basil had flowered and made the most beautiful bouquet. We dried some of the leaves, but just had to have these flowers around to enjoy. They are such a beautiful color. They aren't actually flowering in the way that basil usually does, but really putting on a show.
In the process of pulling out some old squash plants we found a few pumpkins! We couldn't remember planting them so it was a pleasant surprise. Since we don't get to our gardens on a daily basis it is easy to forget what you planted sometimes. There are signs of fall all around and after the heat wave we just came out of we are looking forward to it. Before you know it we will be turning our clocks back and giving out candy to little heathens incognito Pumpkins and falling leaves are just the beginning.
Happy Fall!
Ferne & Michael
Ferne & Michael
It looks like you had a great harvest!
Yes, fall is finally showing here in California. I have noticed that the nights are crisper, and there is dew in the morning. My garden is still going strong though, and the morning glories are blooming every day!
The cinnamon basil is beautiful. It almost looks like a vase of lilacs!
Wow, those peppers are stunning and so is that mass of basil. Nice
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