Saturday, March 8, 2008

Calendulas for Green Thumb Sunday

This is a calendula that is growing and blooming very nicely in my garden right now. I didn't keep the tag for the variety, but I know that is one of the newer ones that resists mildew. It might be Bon Bon Apricot. There are more gardeners participating in Green Thumb Sunday and you can check out their blogs from the blog roll in my sidebar.
Join Green Thumb Sunday

Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.


Melanie Chopay said...

Calendulas are such happy flowers. I just have to smile when I see them. Thanks for the pretty photo.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Bright, pretty photo ! .. I grew them years ago but I imagine they have a more cultivars to choose from now !

Aiyana said...

They are pretty! I planted calendulas in the fall, and not one has come up. This is my second attempt. I guess they are not meant to grow in my garden. Happy GTS,

Kristi said...

I'm growing these for the first time this year. They are just little seedlings right now but it's nice to see a photograph of them. They are so bright and cheery.