Finally the sun is out and the rain and hail seem to be gone so I think our tomatoes just might start growing. We are reaching temps in the 80’s instead of the 50’s. I think we will soon be saying good-bye to the sweet smell of the flowering Sweet Peas. I have been enjoying working in the garden with their company. We are saving some seeds though so it is comforting to know that they will be back.
In the garden right now we are harvesting lots of Sugar Snap Peas and I just can’t stop eating them. Mostly I eat them fresh by the handful as I take my evening walk through the garden to check on the progress of things and make a mental note of what I should do next. We have also been harvesting lots of strawberries and an occasional carrot or two, and that is about it except for the little onions that we keep swiping even though they are really not to size just yet. A little warm weather and things could really turn around here. We still haven’t even planted our pumpkins, melons and beans which we always do from seed and usually in May so we’d better get moving!
In other parts of our yard things are really popping. I most enjoy this flower bed that we view from the back of our house. It looks West so we see it every evening with a beautiful sunset as a back drop. It was the first thing we tackled when we moved in almost 2 years ago and I can’t believe the difference. I need to look up a before picture to post with this. One of my favorite parts is the path I lined with 2 varieties of thyme. One is flowering right now and the other is Lime Thyme and don’t remember ever seeing it flower although I’m sure it must. I also used these thymes in my herb garden to line the paths and they are doing so well that I need to go out and cut them back a lot, but they are bringing lots of bees to the garden so they will stay for a while longer.
The next area to tackle is this shady area on the side of our house that we never used to go to much, but since the orchard is there we find ourselves enjoying walking through here and observing things from the shade. I think we will need a bench because if you stay still for a while you will notice there is a lot of bird activity over here. So I will be planning and weeding and getting down and dirty in this area one day soon! Right now there is a wonderful groundcover manzanita growing quite happily under the weeds so that will stay as will the dogwoods we planted last year, but there is a huge patch of Kerria that needs to dug and moved to a better location since I do enjoy it and it seems very hardy just in the wrong place. I am thinking I need more ferns and maybe huecheras, daniellas, liriopes and more! I’ll be back with an update on that soon I hope!
Next post I hope to share or adventures in grafting tomatoes!
Keep Growing…
Very nice gardens. Our snap peas usually don't make it into the house before they are eaten.
I can't wait to hear about grafting tomatoes. I don't even know what that is, but it sounds interesting.
Personally, I'm keeping an eye on mine.
Gorgeous! I love this area.
You have a very beautiful garden here and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to link in with some photos...either current or past (during the dormant seasons) to Flaunt Your Flowers on Friday with me. Many absolutely gorgeous gardens participate in this party, and yours would be a welcome visit for them all to make!
I am your newest follower!
I have enjoyed my visit here today...happy gardening!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
Your yard is just beautiful. You have so many pretty flowers. Gorgeous photos!
Loving your garden photos Ferne. Thanx for your interest in my blog. Sharon (sharnymcclarny)
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