Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day Planting

Our weather was absolutely beautiful today.  Perfect for planting some dormant hostas we bought a while ago.  I planted 5 of them around the base of an established Japanese Maple.  The hostas I planted were:

imageEarth Angel(2) leaves of 1 foot long and up to 4 feet high were placed at the back of the bed near the house.  Earth angel is also suppose to be slug resistant, a real plus for our area.

 Captain Kirk also claims to be slug proof imageand even sun tolerant, though we are keeping it in the shade.  Captain Kirk is placed in front of Earth Angel for a great contrast in color.

image Moon Beam, a mutation from ‘August Moon’ has lavender flowers in July.  Can’t wait for those!


Thunder Bolt was planted at the front next to Moon Beam.  It has white flowers and a reverse leaf margine so they should also make a nice contrast. 

I can’t wait to see these hostas showing their beautiful green leaves each a different shade of green and golden-yellow.  I was once told that green was not considered to be a color when talking about plants…it is all about the flowers…well, I beg to differ!  While hostas do have some lovely flowers it is all about the leaves with these and I hope to have some pictures of my own to prove it by late spring or early summer.  (the pictures on this page were taken from different web sites since my plants are dormant at the moment)  My plants did have some nice fleshy roots, but I didn’t photograph them at planting time since that seemed a little like showing their private parts, but it did let me know that they are indeed alive and taking a rest to rejuvenate themselves for a spectacular show in a few short months.

Gardeners must posses a large amount of Faith and Patience…

Here’s to a greener future in 2010!


1 comment:

Nell Jean said...

So I was not the only gardener planting on Christmas! I scattered seed: some poppies and larkspur over where I planted daffodils last week; some parsley seed, a little bit of alyssum over where some hyacinths hide underground.